Education & Outreach

Climate Literacy Program

In 2016, as part of Climatepedia’s education division, my colleagues and I designed a 12 week online program for students to learn about climate change in an interdisciplinary framework. Cohort members apply their knowledge to weekly conference call discussions with subject matter experts. This program has been featured at several conferences (CHESC, AGU, and AASHE). This program is open to college students across the USA. Click here for more information and how to apply.

 Classroom Presentations

I give presentations about water and climate change at local K-12 schools in Orange County as part of various organizations (Climatepedia, H2Outreach, CLEAN).  I also volunteer for various STEM outreach events such as Irvine Unified School District’s “Ask-a-Scientist Night”, “Women in STEM Night” at Tustin High School, and the annual STEMploration @ the STEAM Academy Orchard School event hosted by Science@OC and Boeing.